Writing apps

App types


A project with a docker-compose ready for use in production.

Unless otherwise specified, all paths are relative to the manifest where they are defined.



Path to a base docker0s manifest for this app.

A base manifest:

  • uses the same syntax

  • can define multiple apps

  • can reference further base manifests

  • must not define a host

A path can be a relative (to the current manifest) or absolute path:

  • path/to/d0s-manifest.yml

  • /path/to/dir/containing/a/manifest/

It will look for an app with the same name by default; you can specify a different name with ::<name>, eg:

  • path/to/d0s-manifest.yml::AppName

It can also be a git URL in the format git+ssh://host:repo@commit#path::name, or git+https://host/repo@commit#path::name, where commit, path and name are optional, eg:

  • git+ssh://git@github.com:radiac/docker0s-manifests@main#traefik

  • git+https://github.com/radiac/docker0s-manifests@v1.0#traefik/d0s-manifest.yml

  • git+ssh://git@github.com:radiac/example.com

For security, when using a remote manifest from a third party git repository, we recommend performing a full audit of what you are going to deploy, and then pinning to that specific commit.

Default: d0s-manifest.py, then d0s-manifest.yml (first found)


Path to the app’s docker compose file.

This can be a YAML file (.yml, .yaml), or a Jinja2 template (.j2, .jinja2). See “Compose templates” below for more details of template rendering.

Default: tries the following in order, uses first found: docker-compose.j2, docker-compose.jinja2, docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml


Path or list of paths to assets which should be uploaded into an assets dir next to the docker-compose.


Path or list of paths to files containing environment variables for docker-compose. See “Environment variables” below for details.


Key-value pairs of environment variables for docker-compose. See “Environment variables” below for details.


Key-value pairs of template variables to render a Jinja2 compose template. See “Compose templates” below for details.

Example YAML:

    extends: "git+ssh://git@github.com:radiac/example.com.git"
    compose: "docker-compose.live.yml"
    - base.env
    - website.env


A project which requires the repository to be cloned on the host and mounted into the service.

Takes the same arguments as an App, with the following differences:


A git+ URL to the repository and branch/commit to deploy to the server.


Relative path to the compose file within the repository.

If this path exists in the repo, Docker0s will overwrite it on the server.

Recommended configuration:

  1. In the root of your repository, create a docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.j2

  2. Still in the root, create an app manifest - d0s-manifest.yml or d0s-manifest.py

  3. Add docker-compose.docker0s.yml to your .gitignore

The RepoApp.compose will default to find the docker-compose.yml or .j2 file, and will write the production compose to docker-compose.docker0s.yml so that any relative paths in the compose file will still resolve.

If you place the manifest or compose at a different location, you will need to set compose and repo_compose accordingly.

Example YAML:

    type: RepoApp
    repo: "git+ssh://git@github.com:radiac/example.com.git@main"
    compose: docker/docker-compose.live.j2
    repo_compose: docker/docker-compose.live.yml

App naming

Because apps are referenced by name in Python, YAML and on the command line, docker0s supports apps names in PascalCase, camelCase, snake_case and kebab-case in YAML and the command line. Python classes must always use PascalCase:

class WebsiteExampleCom(App):
    path = "../website"

YAML can use any - these four app definitions are equivalent (so would raise an error):

    path: ../website
    path: ../website
    path: ../website
    path: ../website

Environment variables

Environment variables for the docker-compose can be defined as one or more env files, as a dict within the manifest, or both.

If more than one env_file is specified, files are loaded in order. If a key appears in more than one file, the last value loaded will be used.

If a key appears in both the env dict and an env_file, the value in this field will be used.

Environment variables are evaluated before inheritance, meaning an env file key in a child manifest can override an env dict key in a parent. Precedence order, with winner first:

  1. Child env dict

  2. Child env file

  3. Parent env dict

  4. Parent env file

Environment variables are merged and written to an env file on the server for docker-compose to use.

Environment variables can be used in your docker-compose.yml as normal, for example:

      domain: "${hostname}"

Docker0s provides some environment variables by default - for more information see Environment variables.